วันพุธที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

What Makes Humankind Unique To All Other Animals

Writen by Lance Winslow

The age old question of what makes humankind unique to all other animals is a fascinating question indeed. It is one which man himself would surely like to know the answer too and one, which a modern day online think tank took up Recently. One of the principal investigators and researchers in the group asked another question of interest. When was the first mention of the question in ancient philosophy of what makes mankind different and the researcher stated:

"First we need to establish the point of origin the question."

Yes, that would be interesting to establish the origin of the question. Who made mention of it first? The biblical references might be of interest to the reader of the research; you know the "god made man in his image" thing. I am not a religious type, but I am of a "marketing type mind" and thus such a research project following scientific methods, which puts out a document will want folks to read it. And if such information is included then the report will be read by more people cover to cover if you make mention of this.

In fact "Celebrating Being Human" might be a good thing for humans as it puts them together in a "common cause" and brings them back together (marketing mind at work). You know if humankind had a "common cause" or some sort of bonding, maybe they would not fight so much (have wars).

So, in starting the introduction to this research white paper, why not make references to many different cultures and writings; ancient, present, etc. Maybe even a famous Sci Fi author quote or two? In which case perhaps all religious references to that point might be worthy to mention too? Kind of like this:



This way you can put many references together and try to find the earliest recorded mention of it along with as many different cultures as possible. Maybe stop after a couple of short paragraphs? Could be a good intro idea?

Especially since if the research establishes groupings; Animal, Human and The Combination Group. Even if Humans are found to be animals, which I am certain of, at least they can be happy to know that they are of the highest known level of animals, rather than the lowest form of another potential grouping. Interesting topic of conversation indeed, so perhaps you will think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow