วันเสาร์ที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Correct Supplies For Cleaning Your Dog

Writen by Paul Callis

The winter season is soon to be upon us, and what a time it is for pets and dogs especially to be covering themselves in all forms of dirt and grime from outside of the home. For the dog, it is a time for fun and games romping around in muddy wet fields, rolling in every corner of dirt possible, but for you the owner it can be fun to watch, but very annoying and stressful, when it is time to take your dog back home, and clean itself up, before it decides to run riot when it gets back, and leave paw prints all over your cream carpets and furniture.

Keeping your dog clean at this time of year is essential. To keep on top of this your dog needs regular grooming on their coat, this should have been taught to you at dog training level, and hopefully you will have listened if you went to train your dog, and will have picked up lots of good god cleaning habits as well as good training techniques.

Regularly give your dog a good brush which can be purchased from any pet store when you are purchasing your monthly pet supplies. Remove any loose hairs, which do not want a place on your best living room carpet. Help stimulate the dog's skin as well with brushing, and you will find your dog loves it, and it can be great fun for the two of you. If your dog id long haired or short haired, at this time of year you must check that the hair around the paws is all trimmed down. This is to help prevent mud and dirt attaching to the paws as easy, helping the cleaning process after walks become a lot easier. Whilst cleaning you should always try and inspect their ears, making sure they are clean with no changes from your last look, and regularly maintain your dog's toenails. Lastly while you are checking around the ears, give the teeth a good clean, and make sure they are all looking healthy.

A great piece of advice in the winter season, and in fact any season that is muddy is once you have taken your dog for a walk, always have a tray of water before you bring your dog back inside so you can stand the dog in it and rinse off the paws of all the dirt and mud. If you have more than one dog, then this process will be great fun and a real test of your other dog's obedience. If your dog is like mine then it will want to roll around in everything, therefore a good wash down with the garden hose is your best bet, and if you have an outside dog house for him, then even better still.

Always make sure after you have rinsed your dog off, you give them a good rub down, as in this weather all of us are prone to getting run down and getting colds, and imagine how you would feel if you was drenched with a cold hose in minus zero degrees, and then left to stand and dry – I can imagine not very happy, and would no doubt be ill over the next few days. Therefore treat your dog as you would like to be treated.

More information on Pet Supplies can be found at the author's website at http://www.epetsupplies.info
