วันอังคารที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

How To Train Your Cat

Writen by Aidan Bindoff

Yes! Believe it or not you can train your pet cat to do almost anything a cat is physically capable of doing using humane positive reinforcement techniques using a process called Clicker Training.

Clicker Training is a method of training using the scientific principles of Operant Conditioning. Simpler than it sounds, clicker trainers use a plastic box noise maker called a "clicker" to mark the behaviour they want and follow up with a reward, usually a food treat.

By a process known as "shaping", clicker trainers mould their cat's behaviour into the behaviour they want.

Clicker Training can also be used to solve common cat problems such as spraying, scratching, clawing, climbing on kitchen benches and difficulties in administering medication. Clicker Training is a no-force method of training which is ideal for sensitive or no-nonsense animals such as cats.

Some of us, when learning to clicker train, decided to try it on our cats first, so we didn't make any mistakes with our competition dogs. We soon learned that it was impossible to make mistakes that couldn't be easily fixed using this method, unlike with traditional training methods where little mistakes tended to snowball into bigger ones or crop up when we least expected them. What's more, our dogs were having more fun, so were our cats, and so were we!

If you have a cat, or a dog, guinea pig, rabbit, goat, ferret, horse or pig, type "clicker training" into any search engine and discover a whole new world of training possibilities!

Aidan Bindoff is intensely interested in animal behaviour and works to remediate fearful, anxious and aggressive dogs in Australia. He also runs the FREE "Positive Petzine" featuring regular articles on dog behavior and training at http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/positivepetzine/.
