วันพุธที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Boat Safely With Your Dog

Writen by Suzi Sevcik

Your dog is a member of the family. Where you go, he goes. That includes on the water in the summer. Here are some tips to make your time on the boat safe and enjoyable for your & your pooch.

First is to have a properly fitted Personal Floatation Device or PFD. Even if your dog is a good swimmer, they could get accidentally fall off the boat at a high speed. By wearing their PFD they'll pop right up. Most PFD's come with a handle on the back – making it easier for you to lift them out of the water – be careful though, a wet dog is a heavy dog. You can purchase a PFD for your dog at many online specialty stores or a local sporting goods store. Owning a PFD isn't enough though. The dog has to wear it & be comfortable in it. Prior to your boating trip, let your dog swim in his PFD so he becomes accustomed to it.

Next, bring along plenty of water for your dog. Dogs perspire through panting and it can get pretty warm on the boat. Don't trust the water you're boating in to be drinkable for your dog. A jug of cool fresh water will keep your pooch happy. This leads to the next issue – where to do their business. You have a couple of options here. You can train them to go to the bathroom at a specific area of your boat. Or you can dock every couple of hours to allow them to find of spot on dry land. Please be considerate and pick up anything they leave behind & dispose of properly.

If your dog is new to boating, start out with slow, short trips to allow them to acclimate to the new sensations. Always keep a close eye too; they could easily jump overboard at anytime. With a little bit of time and patience, a good PFD and a jug of water you & your pooch can be well on your way to enjoying a day on the boat.

Suzi Sevcik is the founder of PetLabels.com & proud dog owner. The experiences she writes about comes from living with her 3 Golden Retrievers. You can find more pet articles here: http://PetLabels.com/articles/ or email her at suzi@petlabels.com. For great Pet Tips, Ideas & Discounts, join the PetLabels.com Pet News email newsletter: join-petnews@list.petlabels.com
